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ConnCAN Action Fund Independent Committee is a political organization that works to elect and support leaders who will champion the bold education policies Connecticut’s students urgently need. Our goal is to create an education system in Connecticut that is world-class and excellent for all students. This organization will support Connecticut candidates aligned with this mission by directly communicating on their behalf with Connecticut voters.


Help us support elected officials who will do what’s right for kids, teachers and schools by donating today.

Contributions or gifts to ConnCAN Action Fund Independent Committee are not tax deductible as charitable contributions or as business expenses under IRS Section 162(e). Contributions will be publicly reported according to Connecticut law. Both individuals and corporations may donate.


Connecticut law prohibits state contractors, prospective state contractors, and their principals that have contracts with the executive branch or the legislative branch from contributing to a candidate for statewide office or a political committee authorized to give to statewide candidates or a party committee. Contributors must verify whether they are a lobbyist or a contractor.